📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Monthly Archives: January 2017

Tell Congress: Protect Our Caregivers

You may have already called your members of Congress about plans to dismantle Affordable Care Act (ACA) benefits for seniors, people with disabilities, and their families, without showing us a plan to replace it. Today is different. Today is a day especially for caregivers and the people they help to support.

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Widespread Inaccuracies in Medicare Advantage Provider Directories Uncovered

For years, Medicare Rights has encouraged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to ensure that Medicare Advantage (MA) plans publish provider directories that are accurate and easily available to people with Medicare. Last week, CMS announced findings from a review of 54 MA organizations showing widespread inaccuracies in MA provider directories published online. According to the review, around 45% of the provider directory locations listed in these online directories were inaccurate.

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The Workgroup for People with Medicare and Medicaid Attend the Putting Care at the Center Conference

The Medicare Rights Center’s Coalition to Protect the Rights of New York’s Dually Eligible (CPRNYDE) works to ensure that the needs of people with Medicare and Medicaid are at the center of policymaking efforts and that their voices are heard. One way we do this is through our Workgroup for People with Medicare and Medicaid. This workgroup is comprised of over thirty individuals across New York State, most of whom have long-term care needs and chronic health conditions.

I recently had the privilege of attending the Putting Care at the Center Conference, the inaugural conference of the National Center for Complex Health and Social Needs (National Center), along with one of our passionate and dedicated workgroup members, Ms. Hutchinson. Ms. Hutchinson and I were recipients of a grant from the National Center, and we are grateful we were able to attend the conference in Philadelphia.

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Join National Call-In Day to #ProtectOurCare

Lawmakers in the U.S. House and Senate and President Trump have doubled down on their plan to repeal the ACA—with no meaningful replacement in sight. Today’s an important day to make your voice heard. Join a national call-in day to protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid, and Medicare. Call 866-426-2631 today.

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New One-Stop Resource to Protect and Strengthen Medicare

Today, Medicare Rights launched its newest resource: Protect and Strengthen Medicare. This webpage will serve as a one-stop clearinghouse for facts and information on the Medicare program and on proposals under consideration by Congress and the Administration to change it.

In the debates ahead, we are committed to making sure you have ready access to clear explanations about policy ideas that would affect health care access and costs for people with Medicare.

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65 National Advocates Sound Alarm on Affordable Care Act Repeal

Last week, Medicare Rights partnered with Justice in Aging and the Center for Medicare Advocacy to defend access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities. Together, we wrote a letter urging Congress not to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without a viable and simultaneous replacement that provides American families with equal or improved access to high-quality, affordable health coverage.

65 national organizations signed the letter which details the risks a repeal and delay strategy poses for millions of Americans. We all agree: No older American or person with a disability should be made worse off by a vote to repeal the ACA.

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5 Things You Can Do to Protect Our Care

What lies ahead for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is uncertain. But one thing is clear—Congress is setting the stage to make fundamental changes to how people receive their care. Our offices in Washington D.C. and New York City are hearing from people all over the country who are apprehensive about what’s to come. Some are concerned their family members won’t have any health insurance if the ACA is repealed. Others are wondering if they will have to pay even more for their Medicare. And some are sick with worry that the already too-high price of their prescription drugs will go up even more.

No matter the worry, we keep hearing the same question: What can I do? Here are five things you can do to protect our care.

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