Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!

Monthly Archives: August 2021

Budget Resolution Process Provides Historic Opportunity to Improve Medicare and Medicaid

On Monday, the U.S. House of Representatives briefly returned from summer recess to approve the Senate-passed budget resolution. Committees in both chambers are working to draft bill language by September 15. This process represents an historic opportunity to improve health care access and affordability. In addition to much-needed Medicare reforms, […]

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Biden Administration Calls on Congress to Address High Prescription Drug Prices

President Biden recently outlined his vision for improving prescription drug affordability. His plan calls on Congress to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, impose penalties on drug companies that raise prices faster than inflation, and cap Medicare beneficiary out-of-pocket drug costs. The speech builds on previously stated goals. During his April 28 Joint Address to […]

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Senate Lays Groundwork for Legislation That Includes Major Health Care Improvements

This week, Senate Democrats passed their $3.5 trillion budget resolution, laying the groundwork for legislation that is expected to include key Biden administration and congressional priorities.  The non-binding framework instructs Senate Committees to begin writing legislation that meets certain spending and policy targets, with the goal of completing a draft […]

The top of the United States Capitol set against a blue sky with wispy clouds.
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Report Highlights Impact of Medicare’s Dental Exclusion, Particularly on Beneficiaries of Color

The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) recently released a report examining Medicare beneficiary access to dental care, including the share of Medicare beneficiaries with dental coverage, the share with a dental visit in the past 12 months, and their out-of-pocket spending on dental care.  Troublingly, they found that nearly half of all people […]

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New Study Connects Medicare with Reductions in Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Insurance Coverage

Medicare is associated with significant reductions in “racial and ethnic disparities in insurance coverage, access to care, and self-reported health,” according to a new study led by the Yale School of Public Health and published in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association. Evidence has long linked Medicare eligibility […]

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