Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!

Monthly Archives: December 2022

In Memoriam: Lawrence Madison (1942-2022)

The Medicare Rights Center mourns the passing of Lawrence Madison, our distinguished former Board Member, who served on the Board from 2008-2017. His lifetime commitment to excellence in health care and dedication to Medicare Rights have helped increase access to affordable health care for older adults, people with disabilities, and their communities. […]

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Looking Ahead: Medicare in 2023 and Beyond

Next year, the Medicare enrollment process will finally receive long overdue updates, modernization, and simplification through the implementation of the provisions of the Beneficiary Enrollment Notification and Eligibility Simplification (BENES) Act that were finalized in recent rulemaking. Thanks to the BENES Act, people who enroll during the General Enrollment Period […]

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Medicare in 2022: The Year in Review

This has been a year of extreme highs and devastating lows. On balance, the year has been a positive one, with significant advancements in health coverage. But the disappointments of 2022 are still acute. At the federal level, there were two significant steps forward for Medicare. First, Congress passed the […]

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Aging Organizations Identify Priorities for the Current Lame Duck Session in Letter to Congressional Leadership

Last week, the Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) sent a letter to U.S. Senate and House leaders identifying policy priorities that should be included in year-end or omnibus legislation. LCAO is a coalition of 66 national nonprofit organizations concerned with the well-being of America’s older population and committed to […]

The top of the United States Capitol set against a blue sky with wispy clouds.
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New Issue Brief Explores Proposed Rule’s Potential to Stabilize Medicare Savings Program and Medicaid Coverage

Earlier this year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a proposed rule to streamline Medicaid and Medicare Savings Program applications, determinations, and redeterminations. The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) has now released a new issue brief that explores how many Medicare-eligible people might be affected by the proposed […]

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