📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Emily Whicheloe

Education Coordinator

What is a benefit period?

Dear Marci,

I have Original Medicare and am going to get inpatient surgery at a hospital soon. I want to understand some of the costs I may have. Can you explain what a benefit period is?

– Ramona (Watertown, SD)

a roll of bills from which spill out pills of many colors

Can I Appeal a Part D Late Enrollment Penalty (Lep)?

Dear Marci,

I enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B a few years ago when I turned 65, but I only recently signed up for a Part D plan. Then I received a notice from the plan telling me that my monthly Part D premium payment will go up because I have a late enrollment penalty on top of my regular premium. Is there any way I can get this penalty to go away?

Carter (Tupelo, MS)

How does retiree insurance work with Medicare?

Dear Marci,

I have retiree insurance from my previous job, and I will be turning 65 in a few months. Do I have to sign up for Medicare even though I already have coverage?

– Jean (Yakima, WA)

How does Medicare work with my current employer insurance?

Dear Marci,

I will turn 65 soon and be eligible for Medicare. I am still working and receive health insurance from my employer. If I sign up for Medicare, how will it work with my current employer-based insurance?

Marco (Montclair, NJ)

What is an Explanation of Benefits?

An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is a notice that your Medicare Advantage Plan typically sends you after you receive health care services or items. EOBs are usually mailed once per month and may be available online. An EOB is not a bill; it is a summary of services or items you received.

Each plan formats its EOB differently, but in general your EOB should tell you: