📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Jay Johnson

Why is it important to speak to my doctor about Medicare?

Dear Marci,

I just turned 65 and don’t feel like I know very much about what’s covered and what’s not covered under Medicare. How can my doctor help me get the services and care I’m entitled to receive, and how can I be sure her recommendations are in my best interests?

– Noreen (Jonesboro, AR)

Why are Medicare private health plan notices important?

Dear Marci,

Most months my insurance company sends me Medicare notices in the mail. I have difficulty keeping up with them, and last week I told my neighbor that I usually ignore everything. She told me I should read each notice carefully and take appropriate action. So what have I been missing?

– Walter (Kettering, OH)

What insurances pay primary to Medicare?

Dear Marci,

I have Medicare Part A and Part B, but I also have another health insurance policy from my current job. How does Medicare work with my other coverage, and do I need to tell my doctor if I have more than one type of insurance?

– Cole (Lafayette, CO)

Can I delay my Medicare enrollment?

Dear Marci,

I’m turning 65 soon and I’m still working. Do I need to enroll in Medicare Part B when I’m first eligible, or can I delay it?

– Riley (Albany, OR)

Infographic: How to Spot Medicare Fraud

Medicare fraud is when doctors or other providers deceive Medicare into paying when it should not or paying more than it should. This is against the law and should be reported.

To report fraud you should either contact 1-800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227) or the Inspector General’s fraud hotline at 1-800-HHS-TIPS (800-447-8477). When it investigates the potential fraud, Medicare will not use your name if you do not want it to.

What is a Medigap policy?

Dear Marci,

I am turning 65 soon and am confused about supplemental health insurance. I see so much advertising about these plans, but what are they and do I need one?

– Lenna (Rio Rancho, NM)

Infographic: Navigating Fall Open Enrollment

Fall Open Enrollment is the time of year from October 15 to December 7 when you can change your Medicare coverage. You can do this by joining a new Medicare Advantage Plan or by joining a new stand-alone prescription drug plan (PDP). You can also switch to Original Medicare with or without a stand-alone Part D plan from a Medicare Advantage Plan during this time.

This handy infographic provides some tips to help you navigate Fall Open Enrollment.