📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Jay Johnson

Infographic: Three Tips for Communicating With Insurers

If you are like most people, you have called your insurance provider with a question, been put on hold, and finally reached a representative only to discover you did not have all the necessary documents in front of you.

It can be easier. This infographic provides some tips to help you get the best results when communicating with insurers. Remember: If you have questions about your insurance coverage, whether you have Original Medicare or get your benefits through a Medicare Advantage Plan (such as an HMO or PPO), you have the right to get answers.

Infographic: Which is Primary? Medicare and Employer Coverage

Medicare can either be primary or secondary to your employer coverage. This usually depends on the size of the employer and whether or not someone is currently working.

Primary insurance pays first for health care claims. Secondary insurance pays after the primary insurance for some or all of what the primary insurance did not cover. Knowing which is primary is important because secondary insurance often refuses to pay anything if the primary insurance has not paid first.

Check out this handy infographic explaining when employer coverage is primary and when Medicare is primary.

AARP CEO Urges Older Americans to Be Health Care Consumers

The dynamic CEO of AARP, Jo Ann Jenkins, encourages everyone over 50 to become much more active in defining self-image, personal motivation, health care goals, and wealth/asset management. In Disrupt Aging: A Bold New Path to Living Your Best Life at Every Age, she challenges the outdated beliefs that older people should slow down, take it easy, and become passive and accepting.

Medicare Rights Observes World Kidney Day

Like an intricate dance, the various organs and systems in our body are carefully choreographed to work in harmony to perform vital services. Throughout the year, health care organizations like to promote public awareness through special observances, and on March 10 we observe World Kidney Day.