Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!

Julie Carter

Senior Federal Policy Associate

Move to Help Medicare Beneficiaries Afford Insulin Does Not Go Far Enough

This week, the Trump administration announced a new two-year demonstration program that will reduce insulin costs for some people with Medicare drug coverage. The lower costs will no doubt be welcomed by the 1.3 million enrollees who stand to benefit, and we applaud this help. However, we are disappointed that this initiative will not offer relief to all who need it or address larger issues around prescription drug access and affordability.

Updated Guidance for Medicare Advantage and Part D Plans Increases Access to Care

Last month, the Medicare Rights Center highlighted guidance that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, Part D plans, and certain Medicare-Medicaid plans. This guidance described both the options and requirements such plans have for providing Medicare coverage for COVID-19 (also called coronavirus) testing, treatments, and prevention. This week, CMS amended the guidance to reflect additional information and flexibilities. Some of these changes are a result of legislation, while others are decisions made by the agency.

How Coronavirus Might Change Future Health Costs

The coronavirus public health emergency is likely to have a sweeping impact on the entire American health care system, including costs and affordability. This week, the Peterson Center on Healthcare and KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation) released a brief discussing possible changes to health care costs, including within the Medicare and Medicaid programs, moving forward.

Enrolling in Medicare During the Coronavirus Emergency

During the public health emergency caused by the coronavirus, Social Security Administration (SSA) offices across the country closed their physical doors and moved all operations to online and telephone platforms. SSA created a new resource page to keep the public updated and explain how to access services amid the office closures. Anything affecting access to SSA has an impact on people applying for Medicare coverage, as SSA is the agency that handles enrollment. Importantly, Medicare enrollment continues, though people may encounter some delays.

The CARES Act Provides Economic Stimulus and Health Care Changes

Last week, a third bill intended to address the coronavirus pandemic through economic stimulus and important financial and health safety provisions was passed by Congress and signed into law by the president. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is a massive legislative package that is likely to have some effect on all residents of the U.S., including people with Medicare and their families.

CMS Releases Coronavirus Guidance for Medicare Advantage and Part D Plans

On March 10, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued guidance around the requirements and flexibilities Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, Part D plans, and certain Medicare-Medicaid plans have to help provide health care coverage to people with Medicare for coronavirus testing, treatments, and prevention. The guidance identifies what plan sponsors must do during a disaster or emergency as declared by their states, and also what the plans are permitted to do. Since the issuance of the guidance, some of the optional flexibilities have become mandatory due to passage of federal legislation.

Supreme Court Likely to Hear Affordable Care Act Case This Year

In an important decision that could impact the health care of millions of people, the Supreme Court decided this week that it will consider the latest Affordable Care Act (ACA) case in its next term. This decision to hear the case follows a January decision not to take a fast-track approach to the lawsuit. Though the timeline for the hearings has not been set, the court is likely to hear oral arguments this fall, possibly as early as October. A decision on the case would not be likely before 2021.

The Rise of Unexpected Medical Bills: Short-Term Plans and Surprise Billing

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society released new research this week verifying concerns that people who buy short-term insurance, also called short-term limited duration insurance or STLDI, a type of substandard health plan that has been promoted by the Trump administration, are at significant financial risk should they need to use that coverage.



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