Watchdog Estimates $7.5 Billion Medicare Advantage Overpayment from “Questionable” Health Risk Assessments
When the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) pays Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations, they increase the payments when plans
When the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) pays Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations, they increase the payments when plans
This month, Families USA hosted an important webinar on Medicare Advantage (MA) issues, including overpayment, marketing abuses, and delays caused
Late last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized a rule that codifies appeal rights for people
Earlier this week, Vice President Harris announced a new proposal that would expand in-home services for people with Medicare. Many people with Medicare struggle with activities of daily living like bathing, dressing, eating, or toileting but do not need intensive medical care.
Medicare open enrollment is just around the corner, and there will be major changes in 2025 that beneficiaries should keep in mind, and some of these changes may affect what plans people choose.
KFF recently analyzed Medicare Advantage (MA) data on prior authorization, finding that the rates of requests, or submissions from providers
The Medicare Rights Center’s policy series, Medicare Advantage 101, covers the history of and issues within Medicare Advantage (MA), including overpayments to
Earlier this week, Medicare Rights submitted supportive comments on aspects of two proposed rules from the Centers for Medicare &
A new article in Health Affairs urges states and localities to reduce barriers to voting and improve civic participation to
In its annual data book on “Health Care Spending and the Medicare Program,” the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) shows
When the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) pays Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations, they increase the payments when plans
This month, Families USA hosted an important webinar on Medicare Advantage (MA) issues, including overpayment, marketing abuses, and delays caused
Late last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized a rule that codifies appeal rights for people
Earlier this week, Vice President Harris announced a new proposal that would expand in-home services for people with Medicare. Many people with Medicare struggle with activities of daily living like bathing, dressing, eating, or toileting but do not need intensive medical care.
Medicare open enrollment is just around the corner, and there will be major changes in 2025 that beneficiaries should keep in mind, and some of these changes may affect what plans people choose.
KFF recently analyzed Medicare Advantage (MA) data on prior authorization, finding that the rates of requests, or submissions from providers
The Medicare Rights Center’s policy series, Medicare Advantage 101, covers the history of and issues within Medicare Advantage (MA), including overpayments to
Earlier this week, Medicare Rights submitted supportive comments on aspects of two proposed rules from the Centers for Medicare &
A new article in Health Affairs urges states and localities to reduce barriers to voting and improve civic participation to
In its annual data book on “Health Care Spending and the Medicare Program,” the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) shows