📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Medicare Rights Center

Thank You 2020 Donors!

The coronavirus public health emergency has created new challenges for everyone, especially older adults and people with chronic health conditions. The Medicare

Annual Awards Event Goes Virtual

The Medicare Rights Center’s Annual Awards Event will be held virtually on October 19 at 6:00 PM. This year’s theme accurately depicts the organization and its partners since the coronavirus pandemic began: “Ready, Reliable, Resilient.” While Medicare Rights will miss seeing so many of its supporters in the ballroom, the organization is delighted that the online celebration will make it possible for many more to attend.

In Memoriam: Cathy McElroy

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Cathy McElroy, our dedicated colleague and friend who worked tirelessly to further the Medicare Rights Center’s mission.
As Vice President of Operations for two decades, Cathy’s talents, compassion, and grace have been critical to our organization’s success. She touched the lives of those in the Medicare Rights community and many beyond it and will be forever missed.

Texas Affordable Care Act Decision Flawed; ACA is Still the Law of the Land

In a radical departure from established legal doctrine, a federal judge in Texas issued a ruling against the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on December 14, claiming that the entire law must fall. At the center of the lawsuit, brought by a coalition of Republican-led states, was the ACA’s individual mandate and penalty for failure to be insured. Congress repealed this penalty in last year’s tax bill. As a result, the lawsuit claimed the ACA was invalid. Unfortunately, the district court in Texas agreed with this flawed analysis, although legal scholars have denounced it across the ideological spectrum.

a roll of bills from which spill out pills of many colors

Advocating to Lower Prescription Drug Prices

Medicare Rights continues to support efforts and advance policies that make prescription drugs more affordable and do not otherwise increase costs or reduce access to care for older adults and people with disabilities.

This summer, Medicare Rights President Joe Baker was a panelist at a Capitol Hill briefing, “Tackling Prescription Drug Prices: An Examination of Proposed Medicare Part D Reforms,” an educational event hosted by the National Coalition on Health Care to shed light on proposed reforms to Medicare Part D, identify the trade-offs involved, and explore the impacts on people with Medicare.

Beneficiary Advocates Urge Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to Correct Inaccuracies in Medicare & You Handbook for 2019

This week, the Medicare Rights Center, the Center for Medicare Advocacy, and Justice in Aging sent a joint letter to Seema Verma, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), on May 15, 2018, objecting to serious inaccuracies in the draft Medicare & You Handbook for 2019, and urging CMS to rectify the errors prior to disseminating the Medicare & You Handbook.

Medicare Rights Federal Policy Update

The Medicare Rights federal policy team has been hard at work considering and responding to multiple U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requests for comments on proposals regarding changes to Medicare Advantage plans and Part D as well as other regulatory and administrative issues such as Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs) and Short-term, Limited Duration Insurance.