📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Mitchell Clark

Director of Digital Strategy & Communications

American Institutes for Research Highlights Need to Fix Complex Medicare Enrollment System

A new set of issue briefs by the Center on Aging at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) highlights the growing complexities facing thousands of people each day as they become eligible for Medicare. One of the briefs, Medicare Enrollment Maze Puts Older Americans at Risk for Financial Penalties and Coverage Gaps, examines a relatively recent trend where the age of Medicare eligibility and the age of retirement have moved further apart.

CMS Temporarily Suspends Policy that Allows Automatic Enrollment in Medicare Advantage Plans

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently suspended a policy known as seamless conversion, a practice that allows select insurers to auto-enroll newly eligible Medicare beneficiaries in an issuer’s commercial or Medicaid managed care product into one of the same company’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. In light of recent inquiries, including from the Medicare Rights Center, CMS decided to temporarily halt the acceptance of all new seamless conversion proposals from plans.

Kaiser Family Foundation Releases First Look at 2017 Part D Plan Offerings

The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) recently released an issue brief analyzing the 2017 prescription drug (Part D) plan offerings based on recently released data from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The key findings in KFF’s analysis come at an important time as millions of people with Medicare are weighing their plan choices during Fall Open Enrollment, which lasts from October 15 to December 7.

Part D Test Program Aims to Improve Quality of Care and Lower Costs

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced Part D plan participants for a new demonstration, the Enhanced Medication Therapy Management Model, that seeks to strengthen Medication Therapy Management (MTM) services in Part D. In 2003, the Medicare Modernization Act was enacted, creating the Part D program and requiring every Part D plan to offer an MTM program. MTM programs are meant to improve quality of care by ensuring people are taking their medications safely and as prescribed, addressing any barriers to their doing so, and bringing any medication issues to the attention of the treating physician. CMS claims that these activities can also create cost savings.

CMS Announces Notice for People with Marketplace Coverage and Medicare

CMS recently released a new notice that people with Medicare and Marketplace coverage will receive. The notice informs these individuals that if they have Medicare, they are most likely no longer eligible to receive the premium tax credits to help pay for Marketplace plan premiums. The notice also provides useful information on how to ensure that you are enrolled in Medicare without penalties or gaps in coverage.