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Medicare Answers

Medicare answers help people with Medicare, their families and caregivers–understand Medicare benefits and options. Articles feature Medicare coverage advice, basic health tips, and links to vital health care resources. For in-depth Medicare information and resources, visit the Medicare Rights Center’s free and independent online reference tool, Medicare Interactive.

What is an Advance Beneficiary Notice?

Dear Marci,

I have Original Medicare. My doctor said that she does not believe that Medicare will cover a certain procedure, and that she would like me to sign an Advance Beneficiary Notice. What does this mean, and what should I do?

-Jesse (Austin, TX)

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How does Medicare cover mental health services?

Dear Marci,
I am new to Medicare. I have been receiving treatment for depression and anxiety for several years, and have gotten treatment in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Will these services be covered under Medicare? How much will they cost?
Beau (Baton Rouge, LA)

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It’s Now Easier Than Ever to Find Answers to Your Medicare Questions on Medicare Interactive

Medicare Interactive (MI), an online resource developed by the Medicare Rights Center, is the go-to source of Medicare information for almost 3 million people each year. In an effort to streamline MI content, the Education team at the Medicare Rights Center started an in-depth process last year to overhaul over 400 pages of Medicare information in the popular “Get Answers” section of the website.

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Can I change my Medicare coverage?

Dear Marci,

Last November, during Fall Open Enrollment, I switched into a new Medicare Advantage Plan. I have since realized that I do not want to be a part of this plan. Can I change my Medicare coverage?

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What is Extra Help?

Dear Marci,

I am new to Medicare. My income and assets are on the low side and I’m having difficulty paying for my prescription drugs. A neighborhood counselor told me about Extra Help. Do you think this is something for me?

– Stefano (Rock Springs, WY)

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What is an Advance Beneficiary Notice?

Dear Marci,

I have Original Medicare. My doctor said that she does not believe that Medicare will cover a certain procedure, and that she would like me to sign an Advance Beneficiary Notice. What does this mean, and what should I do?

-Jesse (Austin, TX)

How does Medicare cover mental health services?

Dear Marci,
I am new to Medicare. I have been receiving treatment for depression and anxiety for several years, and have gotten treatment in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Will these services be covered under Medicare? How much will they cost?
Beau (Baton Rouge, LA)

It’s Now Easier Than Ever to Find Answers to Your Medicare Questions on Medicare Interactive

Medicare Interactive (MI), an online resource developed by the Medicare Rights Center, is the go-to source of Medicare information for almost 3 million people each year. In an effort to streamline MI content, the Education team at the Medicare Rights Center started an in-depth process last year to overhaul over 400 pages of Medicare information in the popular “Get Answers” section of the website.

Can I change my Medicare coverage?

Dear Marci,

Last November, during Fall Open Enrollment, I switched into a new Medicare Advantage Plan. I have since realized that I do not want to be a part of this plan. Can I change my Medicare coverage?

What is Fall Open Enrollment?

Dear Marci,

I’ve heard that Fall Open Enrollment is coming up. What is Fall Open Enrollment, and what should I do to prepare for it?

– Andre (Dover, DE)

What is an Annual Notice of Change?

Dear Marci,

Last year I received an Annual Notice of Change from my Medicare Advantage Plan. Will I get one this year? What should I do with it?

– Emmanuel (Springfield, MO)

Does Medicaid cover nursing home care?

Dear Marci,

I’d like to see if my mother is eligible for Medicaid. How would she register for the program, and would she be eligible for nursing home care?

– Aariz (Lansing, MI)

What is Extra Help?

Dear Marci,

I am new to Medicare. My income and assets are on the low side and I’m having difficulty paying for my prescription drugs. A neighborhood counselor told me about Extra Help. Do you think this is something for me?

– Stefano (Rock Springs, WY)