Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!

Medicare Watch

Medicare Watch articles are featured in a weekly newsletter that helps readers stay up-to-date on Medicare policy and advocacy developments, and learn about changes in Medicare benefits and rules.

Medicare Rights Comments on Proposed Changes to Medicare’s DME Program

This week, the Medicare Rights Center submitted comments in response to a proposal from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that would, in part, make major changes to the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program.

Through the DMEPOS bidding program, medical equipment suppliers compete for Medicare’s business based on quality and price, by submitting bids to serve beneficiaries in a specified geographical region. In the proposed rule, CMS is seeking to effectively suspend this program when current contracts expire at the end of 2018, and until new contracts are awarded under the outlined new payment methodology. CMS does not provide a time frame for when new contracts would begin.

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Administration Challenge to ACA’s Pre-Existing Condition Protections at Odds With Public Opinion

A federal court is considering a challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) protections for people with pre-existing conditions that a number of state attorneys general have filed and the Trump Administration has chosen not to defend. But the public—including most Republicans—want those protections preserved. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll finds that 72-75% of Americans say that it is “very important” to keep provisions that stop insurance companies from denying coverage or charging more based on medical history. Over 55% of Republicans said it was very important to do so. It is also the 90th time that the foundation has asked about the public’s opinion of the ACA generally, and this month 50% view the law favorably, while 40% view it unfavorably.

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Tell CMS Not to Create More Burdens for People with Medicare through this “Fix”

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that oversees the Medicare program, is seeking comments on a proposed rule that would completely restructure how Medicare providers are paid. This new proposal could have significant, negative implications for people with Medicare. We encourage those who are interested in Medicare policy to let CMS know about your concerns before the comment period closes on Monday, September 10. Learn what’s in the proposal and what you can do to respond before the deadline!

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CMS Announces New Rules That Could Make Part D Drug Formularies Much More Complicated

This week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that, starting in 2020, Part D Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans with Part D will be able to include medications on their formulary for some FDA-approved uses, but not others. Currently, a plan can favor one drug over another by: including a medication on its formulary or not; placing it on a lower cost sharing tier; or putting coverage restrictions, like prior authorization, quantity limits, or step therapy on the less preferred medication. These rules apply uniformly to each drug, for all FDA- and compendia-approved purposes—the new rules do not.

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Dangers of Surprise Medical Bills Underscore Importance of Medicare’s Beneficiary Protections

This week, Kaiser Health News (KHN) and National Public Radio (NPR) published and broadcast the story of 44 year-old Drew Calver, a high school teacher in Austin, Texas who faced an outrageous hospital bill.

In the wake of a life-threatening heart attack, Mr. Calver was rushed to a nearby emergency room, where he was admitted to the hospital and underwent surgery. The heart attack was a shock for Calver, an avid swimmer and triathlete. Adding to his surprise was the bill he faced afterwards: the hospital charged $164,941 for the surgery and four days in the hospital. His insurer paid the hospital $55,840. The hospital then billed Mr. Calver for the unpaid balance of $108,951.31.

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Medicare Rights Submits Comments Opposing Harmful Medicaid Work Requirements

Last week, the Medicare Rights Center submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Medicaid waiver proposals from Kentucky and Mississippi. Both states are seeking the agency’s permission to require low-income, “able-bodied” adult residents to work, volunteer, or train for a job in order to maintain their Medicaid coverage.

In both sets of comments, we express our concerns that the proposed changes would undermine access to health care for low-income people who are not yet eligible for Medicare, including older adults and people with functional limitations or chronic conditions. Such individuals may not be administratively classified as “disabled”—and therefore exempt from the work requirements—but they may nevertheless face significant health challenges that drive unemployment or underemployment.

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a roll of bills from which spill out pills of many colors

Closing the Donut Hole: What it Means and Why it Matters

This week, the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) released a data note on the Medicare Part D coverage gap, commonly referred to as the “donut hole.” The KFF data note breaks down the number of people with Part D who reach the various levels of coverage, what their average spending is, and how beneficiaries, drug manufacturers, drug plans, and the federal government split up the responsibility for various charges. Importantly, the note discusses the implications some future policy decisions may have on people with Medicare, including calls from manufacturers to decrease the amount they pay or proposals from the Trump Administration that would sharply increase the money people with Part D must spend.

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Tell your Members of Congress to Support Medically Necessary Dental Care

People with Medicare face significant health risks because they do not have access to medically necessary dental care. There is an ongoing effort to urge CMS to use their existing administrative authority to allow this coverage, and we need your help!

Ask your members of Congress to sign on to letters asking CMS to provide Medicare coverage for medically necessary dental care, as authorized by law.

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New Marketing Guidance Leaves Too Many Unanswered Questions

Last week, the Medicare Rights Center submitted comments on new federal marketing guidance that will apply to Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D prescription drug plans in 2019.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that oversees the Medicare program, updates and releases marketing guidance every year so that MA and drug plans have current, uniform rules for marketing their products safely and accurately, without discriminating against people with Medicare. Some years see minor tweaks to the rules, but other years, like this one, see wholesale changes in how plans may be marketed.

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CMS to Allow Medicare Advantage Plans to Restrict Access to Drugs Covered Under Part B

This week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that next year, Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans will be able to limit options for people who get Part B-covered drugs by using many of the same tools plans currently use in Part D. The Trump administration argues that this will enable plans to negotiate better prices for the “preferred” medications – those that the plan will cover as a first-line treatment. Other drugs will only be covered if a person tries the preferred medication first and it doesn’t work or causes them harm, also known as step therapy.

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Medicare Rights Comments on Proposed Changes to Medicare’s DME Program

This week, the Medicare Rights Center submitted comments in response to a proposal from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that would, in part, make major changes to the Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program.

Through the DMEPOS bidding program, medical equipment suppliers compete for Medicare’s business based on quality and price, by submitting bids to serve beneficiaries in a specified geographical region. In the proposed rule, CMS is seeking to effectively suspend this program when current contracts expire at the end of 2018, and until new contracts are awarded under the outlined new payment methodology. CMS does not provide a time frame for when new contracts would begin.

Administration Challenge to ACA’s Pre-Existing Condition Protections at Odds With Public Opinion

A federal court is considering a challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) protections for people with pre-existing conditions that a number of state attorneys general have filed and the Trump Administration has chosen not to defend. But the public—including most Republicans—want those protections preserved. A recent Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll finds that 72-75% of Americans say that it is “very important” to keep provisions that stop insurance companies from denying coverage or charging more based on medical history. Over 55% of Republicans said it was very important to do so. It is also the 90th time that the foundation has asked about the public’s opinion of the ACA generally, and this month 50% view the law favorably, while 40% view it unfavorably.

Tell CMS Not to Create More Burdens for People with Medicare through this “Fix”

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that oversees the Medicare program, is seeking comments on a proposed rule that would completely restructure how Medicare providers are paid. This new proposal could have significant, negative implications for people with Medicare. We encourage those who are interested in Medicare policy to let CMS know about your concerns before the comment period closes on Monday, September 10. Learn what’s in the proposal and what you can do to respond before the deadline!

CMS Announces New Rules That Could Make Part D Drug Formularies Much More Complicated

This week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that, starting in 2020, Part D Plans and Medicare Advantage Plans with Part D will be able to include medications on their formulary for some FDA-approved uses, but not others. Currently, a plan can favor one drug over another by: including a medication on its formulary or not; placing it on a lower cost sharing tier; or putting coverage restrictions, like prior authorization, quantity limits, or step therapy on the less preferred medication. These rules apply uniformly to each drug, for all FDA- and compendia-approved purposes—the new rules do not.

Dangers of Surprise Medical Bills Underscore Importance of Medicare’s Beneficiary Protections

This week, Kaiser Health News (KHN) and National Public Radio (NPR) published and broadcast the story of 44 year-old Drew Calver, a high school teacher in Austin, Texas who faced an outrageous hospital bill.

In the wake of a life-threatening heart attack, Mr. Calver was rushed to a nearby emergency room, where he was admitted to the hospital and underwent surgery. The heart attack was a shock for Calver, an avid swimmer and triathlete. Adding to his surprise was the bill he faced afterwards: the hospital charged $164,941 for the surgery and four days in the hospital. His insurer paid the hospital $55,840. The hospital then billed Mr. Calver for the unpaid balance of $108,951.31.

Medicare Rights Submits Comments Opposing Harmful Medicaid Work Requirements

Last week, the Medicare Rights Center submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Medicaid waiver proposals from Kentucky and Mississippi. Both states are seeking the agency’s permission to require low-income, “able-bodied” adult residents to work, volunteer, or train for a job in order to maintain their Medicaid coverage.

In both sets of comments, we express our concerns that the proposed changes would undermine access to health care for low-income people who are not yet eligible for Medicare, including older adults and people with functional limitations or chronic conditions. Such individuals may not be administratively classified as “disabled”—and therefore exempt from the work requirements—but they may nevertheless face significant health challenges that drive unemployment or underemployment.

a roll of bills from which spill out pills of many colors

Closing the Donut Hole: What it Means and Why it Matters

This week, the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) released a data note on the Medicare Part D coverage gap, commonly referred to as the “donut hole.” The KFF data note breaks down the number of people with Part D who reach the various levels of coverage, what their average spending is, and how beneficiaries, drug manufacturers, drug plans, and the federal government split up the responsibility for various charges. Importantly, the note discusses the implications some future policy decisions may have on people with Medicare, including calls from manufacturers to decrease the amount they pay or proposals from the Trump Administration that would sharply increase the money people with Part D must spend.

Tell your Members of Congress to Support Medically Necessary Dental Care

People with Medicare face significant health risks because they do not have access to medically necessary dental care. There is an ongoing effort to urge CMS to use their existing administrative authority to allow this coverage, and we need your help!

Ask your members of Congress to sign on to letters asking CMS to provide Medicare coverage for medically necessary dental care, as authorized by law.

New Marketing Guidance Leaves Too Many Unanswered Questions

Last week, the Medicare Rights Center submitted comments on new federal marketing guidance that will apply to Medicare Advantage (MA) and Part D prescription drug plans in 2019.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that oversees the Medicare program, updates and releases marketing guidance every year so that MA and drug plans have current, uniform rules for marketing their products safely and accurately, without discriminating against people with Medicare. Some years see minor tweaks to the rules, but other years, like this one, see wholesale changes in how plans may be marketed.

CMS to Allow Medicare Advantage Plans to Restrict Access to Drugs Covered Under Part B

This week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that next year, Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans will be able to limit options for people who get Part B-covered drugs by using many of the same tools plans currently use in Part D. The Trump administration argues that this will enable plans to negotiate better prices for the “preferred” medications – those that the plan will cover as a first-line treatment. Other drugs will only be covered if a person tries the preferred medication first and it doesn’t work or causes them harm, also known as step therapy.



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