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Medicare Watch

Medicare Watch articles are featured in a weekly newsletter that helps readers stay up-to-date on Medicare policy and advocacy developments, and learn about changes in Medicare benefits and rules.

Your Senators Heard You. Now, Show Up to Protect Our Care.

As we suspected, the BCRA is scarily similar to the House’s American Health Care Act (AHCA). Both the BCRA and the AHCA would end Medicaid as we know it, undermine the Medicare guarantee, and impose an unaffordable “age tax” on seniors—all to pay for tax breaks for wealthy Americans and corporations.

An analysis of the bill by the Congressional Budget Office confirmed what we feared, the BCRA would yank coverage out from under 22 million people, restrict access to needed care, and hike health care costs most significantly for the oldest and sickest among us.

To save health care for 22 million Americans, we need you to keep up the pressure! Here are 3 things you can do to stop this bill once and for all.

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Congressional Budget Office Estimates 22 Million Would Lose Coverage Under Senate Health Care Plan

Today’s Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report makes it clear: a handful of Senators working in secret back rooms cannot write a bill that works for American families. The Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA)—the Senate leadership’s amended version of the House-passed health care package—would yank coverage out from under 22 million people, restrict access to needed care, and hike health care costs most significantly for the oldest and sickest among us.

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Issue Brief Outlines Medicare Risks of Medicaid Caps

The National Coalition on Health Care (NCHC) recently released an issue brief exploring how recent proposals to change Medicaid financing would affect Medicare. Eleven million people with Medicare—nearly 20%—also rely on Medicaid. Changes to one program can cause a ripple effect to the other. NCHC explains the significant pressure proposed Medicaid per-capita caps would place on Medicare, including the implications for future reform efforts.

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It’s Now or Never! 3 Things You Can Do to Protect Our Care.

We feared this day would come, and now it’s right around the corner. The U.S. Senate is poised to vote next week on a bill that’s scarily similar to the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Without any hearings or public input, the U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed the AHCA last month. The House’s partisan bill would end Medicaid as we know it, undermine the Medicare guarantee, and impose an unaffordable “age tax” on seniors—all to pay for tax breaks for wealthy Americans and corporations.

Now Senate leaders are following the House’s perilous lead. Thirteen Senators met behind closed doors to draft a health care bill that includes the same harmful policies in the AHCA. We need your voice now more than ever before. Here are 3 things you can do to stop this bill and protect our care.

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Paying More for Less: American Health Care Act

Senate leaders are reportedly rushing forward to vote on their health plan, and reports indicate that the plan will be essentially the same as the American Health Care Act (AHCA)–the destructive bill passed by a narrow margin in the House of Representatives last month. Since Senate leaders are keeping their backroom dealings out of the public’s view, we can only assume that their bill will have the same impact as the AHCA. Our new resource, Paying More for Less: American Health Care Act, highlights the devastating effects of the AHCA.

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Medicare Rights Center and Center for American Progress Warn that AHCA Could Chip Away at Programs to Help People Afford Medicare

In the Health Affairs blog today, Stacy Sanders, Medicare Rights’ federal policy director, writes with Maura Caslyn of the Center for American Progress about risks that the American Health Care Act (AHCA) poses to people who rely on the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs). MSPs are Medicaid programs that help low-income older adults and people with disabilities afford their Medicare premiums and cost sharing.

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IMPORTANT: Tell Your Senators to Abandon the American Health Care Act

Senate leaders are reportedly rushing forward to vote on a secret health plan, and they’re starting with the policies in the American Health Care Act, a destructive bill passed by the House of Representatives last month. Stand with the American people, who overwhelmingly reject the policies in the American Health Care Act. Tell your Senator to abandon the bill once and for all.

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House Committee Approves Sense of Congress Resolution to Reduce Prescription Drug Costs

This week, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky led an amendment “Sense of Congress” resolution identifying the cost of prescription drugs as a national problem and calling on the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to engage with the House of Representatives and the Senate to take administrative actions and enact legislative changes to lower the cost of prescription drugs for consumers and reduce the burden of that cost on taxpayers in a way that will balance the need to encourage innovation with the need to increase affordability. The sense-of-Congress amendment was successfully adopted during a hearing of the House Committee on Energy & Commerce marking up pending, bipartisan legislation earlier this week.

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U.S. Senate Picks up Pace with Efforts to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

Last month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed—by a very narrow margin—the American Health Care Act (AHCA) (H.R.1628) a partial repeal of the Affordable Care Act as well as a major rewrite of the Medicaid program. Now the focus turns to the U.S. Senate. Though many Senators initially expressed deep concerns with the AHCA’s provisions, there are strong indications that the chamber is moving forward through a similarly rushed, secretive process and making only minor changes to the bill.

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Your Senators Heard You. Now, Show Up to Protect Our Care.

As we suspected, the BCRA is scarily similar to the House’s American Health Care Act (AHCA). Both the BCRA and the AHCA would end Medicaid as we know it, undermine the Medicare guarantee, and impose an unaffordable “age tax” on seniors—all to pay for tax breaks for wealthy Americans and corporations.

An analysis of the bill by the Congressional Budget Office confirmed what we feared, the BCRA would yank coverage out from under 22 million people, restrict access to needed care, and hike health care costs most significantly for the oldest and sickest among us.

To save health care for 22 million Americans, we need you to keep up the pressure! Here are 3 things you can do to stop this bill once and for all.

Congressional Budget Office Estimates 22 Million Would Lose Coverage Under Senate Health Care Plan

Today’s Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report makes it clear: a handful of Senators working in secret back rooms cannot write a bill that works for American families. The Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA)—the Senate leadership’s amended version of the House-passed health care package—would yank coverage out from under 22 million people, restrict access to needed care, and hike health care costs most significantly for the oldest and sickest among us.

Issue Brief Outlines Medicare Risks of Medicaid Caps

The National Coalition on Health Care (NCHC) recently released an issue brief exploring how recent proposals to change Medicaid financing would affect Medicare. Eleven million people with Medicare—nearly 20%—also rely on Medicaid. Changes to one program can cause a ripple effect to the other. NCHC explains the significant pressure proposed Medicaid per-capita caps would place on Medicare, including the implications for future reform efforts.

It’s Now or Never! 3 Things You Can Do to Protect Our Care.

We feared this day would come, and now it’s right around the corner. The U.S. Senate is poised to vote next week on a bill that’s scarily similar to the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Without any hearings or public input, the U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed the AHCA last month. The House’s partisan bill would end Medicaid as we know it, undermine the Medicare guarantee, and impose an unaffordable “age tax” on seniors—all to pay for tax breaks for wealthy Americans and corporations.

Now Senate leaders are following the House’s perilous lead. Thirteen Senators met behind closed doors to draft a health care bill that includes the same harmful policies in the AHCA. We need your voice now more than ever before. Here are 3 things you can do to stop this bill and protect our care.

Paying More for Less: American Health Care Act

Senate leaders are reportedly rushing forward to vote on their health plan, and reports indicate that the plan will be essentially the same as the American Health Care Act (AHCA)–the destructive bill passed by a narrow margin in the House of Representatives last month. Since Senate leaders are keeping their backroom dealings out of the public’s view, we can only assume that their bill will have the same impact as the AHCA. Our new resource, Paying More for Less: American Health Care Act, highlights the devastating effects of the AHCA.

Medicare Rights Center and Center for American Progress Warn that AHCA Could Chip Away at Programs to Help People Afford Medicare

In the Health Affairs blog today, Stacy Sanders, Medicare Rights’ federal policy director, writes with Maura Caslyn of the Center for American Progress about risks that the American Health Care Act (AHCA) poses to people who rely on the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs). MSPs are Medicaid programs that help low-income older adults and people with disabilities afford their Medicare premiums and cost sharing.

IMPORTANT: Tell Your Senators to Abandon the American Health Care Act

Senate leaders are reportedly rushing forward to vote on a secret health plan, and they’re starting with the policies in the American Health Care Act, a destructive bill passed by the House of Representatives last month. Stand with the American people, who overwhelmingly reject the policies in the American Health Care Act. Tell your Senator to abandon the bill once and for all.

House Committee Approves Sense of Congress Resolution to Reduce Prescription Drug Costs

This week, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky led an amendment “Sense of Congress” resolution identifying the cost of prescription drugs as a national problem and calling on the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to engage with the House of Representatives and the Senate to take administrative actions and enact legislative changes to lower the cost of prescription drugs for consumers and reduce the burden of that cost on taxpayers in a way that will balance the need to encourage innovation with the need to increase affordability. The sense-of-Congress amendment was successfully adopted during a hearing of the House Committee on Energy & Commerce marking up pending, bipartisan legislation earlier this week.

U.S. Senate Picks up Pace with Efforts to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

Last month, the U.S. House of Representatives passed—by a very narrow margin—the American Health Care Act (AHCA) (H.R.1628) a partial repeal of the Affordable Care Act as well as a major rewrite of the Medicaid program. Now the focus turns to the U.S. Senate. Though many Senators initially expressed deep concerns with the AHCA’s provisions, there are strong indications that the chamber is moving forward through a similarly rushed, secretive process and making only minor changes to the bill.



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