Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!

Medicare Watch

Medicare Watch articles are featured in a weekly newsletter that helps readers stay up-to-date on Medicare policy and advocacy developments, and learn about changes in Medicare benefits and rules.

Join National Call-In Day to #ProtectOurCare

Lawmakers in the U.S. House and Senate and President Trump have doubled down on their plan to repeal the ACA—with no meaningful replacement in sight. Today’s an important day to make your voice heard. Join a national call-in day to protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid, and Medicare. Call 866-426-2631 today.

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65 National Advocates Sound Alarm on Affordable Care Act Repeal

Last week, Medicare Rights partnered with Justice in Aging and the Center for Medicare Advocacy to defend access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities. Together, we wrote a letter urging Congress not to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without a viable and simultaneous replacement that provides American families with equal or improved access to high-quality, affordable health coverage.

65 national organizations signed the letter which details the risks a repeal and delay strategy poses for millions of Americans. We all agree: No older American or person with a disability should be made worse off by a vote to repeal the ACA.

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New One-Stop Resource to Protect and Strengthen Medicare

Today, Medicare Rights launched its newest resource: Protect and Strengthen Medicare. This webpage will serve as a one-stop clearinghouse for facts and information on the Medicare program and on proposals under consideration by Congress and the Administration to change it.

In the debates ahead, we are committed to making sure you have ready access to clear explanations about policy ideas that would affect health care access and costs for people with Medicare.

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Senate Takes the First Step to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

Last week, we discussed how Congress introduced a budget resolution that began the process to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Last night, that budget resolution passed the U.S. Senate. Next up is the House of Representatives, who are expected to pass it easily on Friday. Because a budget resolution is not a law, it does not need to be signed by the President.

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5 Things You Can Do to Protect Our Care

What lies ahead for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is uncertain. But one thing is clear—Congress is setting the stage to make fundamental changes to how people receive their care. Our offices in Washington D.C. and New York City are hearing from people all over the country who are apprehensive about what’s to come. Some are concerned their family members won’t have any health insurance if the ACA is repealed. Others are wondering if they will have to pay even more for their Medicare. And some are sick with worry that the already too-high price of their prescription drugs will go up even more.

No matter the worry, we keep hearing the same question: What can I do? Here are five things you can do to protect our care.

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Congress Lays Groundwork to Dismantle the Affordable Care Act

This week, Congressional Republicans introduced a budget resolution laying the groundwork for repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—with no replacement in sight. This process uses a set of rules called “reconciliation.” Through budget reconciliation, the majority party in Congress can advance policies through a simple majority vote. But only provisions that are budget related are permitted to be included.

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Call Your Representative Today and Tell Them to Protect Our Health Care

In January, when a new administration moves into the White House and a new Congress is gaveled into session, some lawmakers expect to radically change our health care system. The President-elect and some members of Congress have signaled their intentions to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (with no meaningful replacement), make drastic cuts to Medicaid, and alter the Medicare guarantee.

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New Kaiser Family Foundation Report Shows Impact of ACA Repeal on Medicare

The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) recently released a new report on the effects repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) could have on Medicare, both for federal spending and for beneficiaries.

KFF identifies several key provisions in the ACA that have a direct impact on Medicare. These provisions include improvements to Medicare benefits, reductions to health care provider and Medicare Advantage (MA) plan payments, increased revenues for the Medicare Trust Fund, incentives to reform the way care is paid for and delivered, and more.

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New Study Highlights Impact of Raising the Medicare Eligibility Age

This week, the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare Foundation and Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) released a new study on the impact of raising the eligibility age for Medicare from 65 to 67. The study compared two hypothetical situations.

Join National Call-In Day to #ProtectOurCare

Lawmakers in the U.S. House and Senate and President Trump have doubled down on their plan to repeal the ACA—with no meaningful replacement in sight. Today’s an important day to make your voice heard. Join a national call-in day to protect the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid, and Medicare. Call 866-426-2631 today.

65 National Advocates Sound Alarm on Affordable Care Act Repeal

Last week, Medicare Rights partnered with Justice in Aging and the Center for Medicare Advocacy to defend access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities. Together, we wrote a letter urging Congress not to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without a viable and simultaneous replacement that provides American families with equal or improved access to high-quality, affordable health coverage.

65 national organizations signed the letter which details the risks a repeal and delay strategy poses for millions of Americans. We all agree: No older American or person with a disability should be made worse off by a vote to repeal the ACA.

New One-Stop Resource to Protect and Strengthen Medicare

Today, Medicare Rights launched its newest resource: Protect and Strengthen Medicare. This webpage will serve as a one-stop clearinghouse for facts and information on the Medicare program and on proposals under consideration by Congress and the Administration to change it.

In the debates ahead, we are committed to making sure you have ready access to clear explanations about policy ideas that would affect health care access and costs for people with Medicare.

Senate Takes the First Step to Repeal the Affordable Care Act

Last week, we discussed how Congress introduced a budget resolution that began the process to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Last night, that budget resolution passed the U.S. Senate. Next up is the House of Representatives, who are expected to pass it easily on Friday. Because a budget resolution is not a law, it does not need to be signed by the President.

5 Things You Can Do to Protect Our Care

What lies ahead for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is uncertain. But one thing is clear—Congress is setting the stage to make fundamental changes to how people receive their care. Our offices in Washington D.C. and New York City are hearing from people all over the country who are apprehensive about what’s to come. Some are concerned their family members won’t have any health insurance if the ACA is repealed. Others are wondering if they will have to pay even more for their Medicare. And some are sick with worry that the already too-high price of their prescription drugs will go up even more.

No matter the worry, we keep hearing the same question: What can I do? Here are five things you can do to protect our care.

Congress Lays Groundwork to Dismantle the Affordable Care Act

This week, Congressional Republicans introduced a budget resolution laying the groundwork for repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—with no replacement in sight. This process uses a set of rules called “reconciliation.” Through budget reconciliation, the majority party in Congress can advance policies through a simple majority vote. But only provisions that are budget related are permitted to be included.

Call Your Representative Today and Tell Them to Protect Our Health Care

In January, when a new administration moves into the White House and a new Congress is gaveled into session, some lawmakers expect to radically change our health care system. The President-elect and some members of Congress have signaled their intentions to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (with no meaningful replacement), make drastic cuts to Medicaid, and alter the Medicare guarantee.

New Kaiser Family Foundation Report Shows Impact of ACA Repeal on Medicare

The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) recently released a new report on the effects repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) could have on Medicare, both for federal spending and for beneficiaries.

KFF identifies several key provisions in the ACA that have a direct impact on Medicare. These provisions include improvements to Medicare benefits, reductions to health care provider and Medicare Advantage (MA) plan payments, increased revenues for the Medicare Trust Fund, incentives to reform the way care is paid for and delivered, and more.



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