📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Attention New Yorkers with Medicare and Medicaid: Would You Like To Share Your Experiences with the New Managed-Care Plans?

Do you or a loved one have Medicare and Medicaid and long term care needs? If so, you may have recently experienced a change to the way you receive your coverage. The Medicare Rights Center’s Coalition to Protect the Rights of New York’s Dually Eligible (CPRNYDE) tracks changes New Yorkers with Medicare and Medicaid and long-term care experience, and we would like to hear your story.

You may have heard about New York’s Managed Long-Term Care (MLTC) plans. New Yorkers with Medicare and Medicaid who have long-term care needs may qualify for an MLTC plan if they are over age 18, have both Medicare and Medicaid, and receive 4 months or more (120+ days) of long-term care services. Having an MLTC plan does not affect how you receive your Medicare benefits; however, it does change the way you receive long-term care services and some Medicaid services, including dental, vision, podiatric, and hearing services.

Individuals in certain counties of New York may also qualify for a Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA) plan. You qualify for a FIDA plan if you are over age 21, have both Medicare and Medicaid, receive 4 months or more (120+ days) of long-term care services, and reside in New York City (the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan or Staten Island) or Nassau county. The FIDA program gives you the option of enrolling in a plan that provides both your Medicare and your Medicaid benefits.

If you would like to share your experience, good or bad, with this new coverage, we want to hear from you! CPRNYDE works with consumers directly and ensures their voices are heard by policymakers. We want to learn from your first-hand experience and work together to advocate for your rights as well as the rights of all individuals with Medicare and Medicaid with long term care needs. For more information, view our fact sheet:

[x_line style=”border-top-width: 1px;”][x_feature_box title=”Share Your Experience” title_color=”” text_color=”” graphic=”icon” graphic_size=”77px” graphic_shape=”circle” graphic_color=”#ffffff” graphic_bg_color=”#2ecc71″ align_h=”center” align_v=”top” side_graphic_spacing=”20px” max_width=”none” graphic_icon=”comment” graphic_animation=”tada” graphic_animation_offset=”50″ graphic_animation_delay=”0″]To share your experience about this new coverage in New York, please contact the Medicare Rights Center’s Coalition to Protect the Rights of New York’s Dually Eligible (CPRNYDE) by emailing[/x_feature_box]

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