📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Call Your Representative Today and Tell Them to Protect Our Health Care

In January, when a new administration moves into the White House and a new Congress is gaveled into session, some lawmakers expect to radically change our health care system. The President-elect and some members of Congress have signaled their intentions to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (with no meaningful replacement), make drastic cuts to Medicaid, and alter the Medicare guarantee.

Prior plans to undo the Affordable Care Act, remake Medicaid, and privatize Medicare all share a common and troubling theme—forcing people to pay more for less. The choices made next year will impact tens of millions of people, and groups around the country are organizing to speak out early against any harmful changes to our health care.

You too can make your voice heard and tell Congress to protect our health care.

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which represents 1.5 million public service workers, nurses, hospital staff, nursing home care providers, building services and security guards, is sharing their Healthcare Protection Hotline so you can get in touch with your members of Congress directly.[x_line style=”border-top-width: 1px;”][x_feature_box title=”Call 866-426-2631 today to contact your members of Congress. ” title_color=”” text_color=”” graphic=”icon” graphic_size=”70px” graphic_shape=”circle” graphic_color=”#ffffff” graphic_bg_color=”#2ecc71″ align_h=”left” align_v=”top” side_graphic_spacing=”20px” max_width=”none” graphic_icon=”phone”]You will be asked to enter your five-digit zip code before being transferred to your representative.[/x_feature_box][x_line style=”border-top-width: 1px;”]Any changes to the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and Medicare must aim for healthier people, better care, and smarter spending—not paying more for less. Here are some key insights to share with your members of Congress:

  • Talk about how to keep America covered. Tell your members that any legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) must be accompanied by a meaningful replacement plan, made available for the public to review before a vote takes place in Congress.
  • Advocate for Medicaid. Many members of Congress don’t know that Medicaid helps older adults and people with disabilities stay at home, in their communities—where they want to be. Tell your members about how Medicaid has helped you and your family.
  • Advocate for Medicare. Tell your members that the Medicare guarantee must be protected and strengthened for people today and in the future. Past plans to privatize Medicare shift higher costs onto to seniors and people with disabilities who cannot afford to pay more.

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