📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

5 Things You Can Do to Protect Our Care

What lies ahead for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is uncertain. But one thing is clear—Congress is setting the stage to make fundamental changes to how people receive their care. Our offices in Washington D.C. and New York City are hearing from people all over the country who are apprehensive about what’s to come. Some are concerned their family members won’t have any health insurance if the ACA is repealed. Others are wondering if they will have to pay even more for their Medicare. And some are sick with worry that the already too-high price of their prescription drugs will go up even more.

No matter the worry, we keep hearing the same question: What can I do? Here are five things you can do to protect our care.

  1. Go to a rally on January 15th. Members of Congress and advocacy organizations nationwide are organizing community-based events and meetings on Sunday, January 15th to take a stand to protect and strengthen the ACA, Medicare, and Medicaid. Find an event near you. 
  1. Call Congress. A phone call is one of the most powerful ways to communicate with your members of Congress. Call the SEIU Health Care Protection Line at 866-426-2631 and enter your zip code to be connected to your representatives. Demand to see a plan to protect the ACA as well as Medicare and Medicaid. 
  1. Stay informed with Medicare Watch. Medicare Rights will provide timely updates on both the process and policies relevant to your health care each week. Read our weekly e-newsletter to stay informed. And if you’re already reading, share the content! Ask your friends and family to sign up for Medicare Watch. An added bonus: it’s free! 
  1. Spread the word—#ProtectOurCare. Much of the debate about the future of health care is happening online. Use social media, like Twitter (follow us at @medicarerights) and Facebook, to share Medicare Watch articles, news, and other perspectives in real time. A simple way to keep up with the latest is by using and following the hashtag #ProtectOurCare. 
  1. Share your story. More often than not, Congressional debates about the law become disconnected from the lives of the very families those policies impact. That’s why it’s crucial to tell your story about what Medicare, the ACA, and Medicaid mean to you.

Are you someone who gets help to afford your Part B premiums? Medicaid helps you. Did you unexpectedly lose your job and buy health insurance at The ACA helps you. Are you a senior using your insurance to pay for doctor’s visits and prescription drugs? Medicare helps you. 

Together, these three programs help every single American. But we can only protect Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA if lawmakers in Congress truly understand what these programs mean to the people who elected them. and the Families USA story bank make it easy to share your story.

Pick and choose from these 5 things in the way that works best for you. There’s a long road ahead to protect our care. But don’t fret—Medicare Rights will be here for you all along the way.

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