📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Tell Congress: Protect Our Caregivers

You may have already called your members of Congress about plans to dismantle Affordable Care Act (ACA) benefits for seniors, people with disabilities, and their families, without showing us a plan to replace it. Today is different. Today is a day especially for caregivers and the people they help to support.

Millions of caregivers rely on Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA to help them provide care for a family member or friend. Some members of Congress want to weaken or dismantle these essential programs.

You may be a caregiver, or you may know or have a caregiver. This call-in day is for these unsung heroes.

Call 866-426-2631 today to contact your members of Congress. You will be asked to enter your five-digit zip code before being transferred to your representative.

Tell your member to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA from any changes that would make care more expensive. Be sure to say:

  • The member needs to keep the Medicare promise not break it. Vouchers, raising the eligibility age, or any other scheme will force people with Medicare to pay more for less.
  • The member needs to protect Medicaid, not cut it with block grants or caps. Medicaid is what helps keeps people in their homes and communities.
  • The member needs to show us their replacement plan for the ACA so that those with coverage do not lose out. The ACA brought health coverage to millions of Americans, many of them caregivers.

Caregivers and their families need this day to make their voices heard. Tell Congress that to stand by caregivers they must protect Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA.

[x_line style=”border-top-width: 1px;”][x_promo image=”” alt=”Protect and Strengthen Medicare”]Visit our latest resource, “Protect and Strengthen Medicare,” a one-stop webpage devoted to explaining the latest Medicare proposals and what they mean for you.

[x_button shape=”square” size=”medium” float=”none” block=”true” href=”” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]Visit Today[/x_button][/x_promo]

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