Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!

Press Releases

Medicare Rights Applauds Enhanced Medicare Coverage of Medically Necessary Dental Care

—Statement by Fred Riccardi, President of the Medicare Rights Center— New York, NY—The Medicare Rights Center applauds the Biden-Harris administration for improving Medicare coverage of medically necessary dental care, ending a decades-long policy that unnecessarily limited access to life- and health-saving treatment for people with Medicare. Medicare Part B currently […]

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Medicare Rights Applauds Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act

— Landmark Legislation Includes Policies to Make Health Care and Prescription Drugs More Affordable for Current and Future Medicare Beneficiaries — Washington DC—The Medicare Rights Center applauds the House and Senate passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022. This landmark legislation includes policies we have long championed to […]

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Medicare Rights Urges Swift Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

—Statement from Fred Riccardi, Medicare Rights Center President— Washington DC—The Medicare Rights Center strongly supports the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. As released today, this historic bill incorporates many of our long-standing recommendations to make health care and prescription drugs more affordable for current and future Medicare beneficiaries. Critically, it […]

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Annual Trends Report on Medicare Helpline Inquiries and Online Reference Tool Searches Released by the Medicare Rights Center

— COVID-19 Pandemic Adds New Gravity to Perennial Issues and Brings Focus to Inequities and Disparities People with Medicare Face — New York, NY—Today, the Medicare Rights Center released its annual helpline trends report, which outlines the top ongoing challenges facing people with Medicare. The report’s findings are based on thousands of calls to […]

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Medicare Rights Applauds Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature for Expanding Eligibility for Medicaid and the Medicare Savings Program

— Statement by Fred Riccardi, President of the Medicare Rights Center — New York, NY—The Medicare Rights Center commends New York Governor Kathy Hochul, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, and Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins for passing a budget that will improve health coverage and care for older New Yorkers and people […]

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Bipartisan Support to Advance Mental Health & Addiction Parity in Medicare Gives Hope to Advocates & Millions of Beneficiaries Currently Unable to Access & Afford the Care They Need

–Joint Statement by the Medicare Rights Center, Legal Action Center, and Center for Medicare Advocacy– Across the aisle, and in both the executive and legislative branches, top policy-makers have identified the need for parity in Medicare amidst dual public health crises of overdose and suicide. Washington, DC – A staggering 93% of […]

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