Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!

Positions and Publications

Policy Recommendations for the Biden Administration

The Medicare Rights Center (Medicare Rights) looks forward to working with the Biden administration to advance policies that protect and strengthen Medicare as well as the health and economic well-being of those who rely on its coverage. To facilitate this dialogue, we respectfully submitted a set of recommended actions for President-Elect Biden and his transition team’s consideration. While the majority are administrative, some require external collaboration. We encourage the new administration to work with Members of Congress, state policymakers, and stakeholders to advance these and other solutions.

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Summary of Policy Recommendations for the Biden Administration

The Medicare Rights Center (Medicare Rights) looks forward to working with the Biden administration to advance policies that protect and strengthen Medicare as well as the health and economic well-being of those who rely on its coverage. To facilitate this dialogue, we compiled a set of administrative actions for their consideration. We will also outline our legislative priorities for the 117th Congress.

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What’s at Stake in Medicare: A Voter Guide

Medicare has been a lifeline for millions since its inception in 1965, but threats and uncertainties persist. To determine candidates’ views on Medicare, voters should monitor their statements and the positions they have taken. This is especially important in the 2020 elections, as recent years have seen legislative and regulatory efforts to rework the program, often in ways that would undermine beneficiary protections.

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What’s at Stake in Medicaid: A Voter Guide

For 2020, voters should pay close attention to candidates’ statements about Medicaid, including their vision for the future of the program. To help voters weigh in, this document outlines a few proposals to keep an eye out for that could transform the program for the worse.

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2018-2019 Medicare Trends and Recommendations

In 2018-2019, Medicare Rights staff and volunteers addressed more than 37,000 questions and issues through the organization’s national helpline. In addition, Medicare Rights’ free and independent online reference tool Medicare Interactive, designed to help older adults and people with disabilities navigate the complex world of health insurance, answered 6.1 million questions for people with Medicare, their caregivers, and professionals. This report will feature select helpline trends and highlight the most commonly sought Medicare Interactive answers, providing a glimpse into the information and coverage needs of Medicare beneficiaries and their families.

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Improving Medicare Assistance Programs: Making LIS More Effective

Medicare’s Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) program (also called “Extra Help”) can be a lifeline, helping low- and moderate-income beneficiaries pay for coverage they would not otherwise be able to afford. But aspects of the program are woefully outdated, making it difficult for low- and moderate-income beneficiaries to access the help they […]

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Case Study: Streamlining Part D Appeals Process Act

Reforms to the Part D appeals process are long overdue, a need made ever-more urgent by a growing Medicare-eligible population, the increased use of utilization management strategies by plans, and ongoing efforts to tackle high and rising prescription drug prices—all of which could push more beneficiaries into this broken system. […]

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