Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!

Positions and Publications

Health Reform and Medicare: The Doughnut Hole in 2015

The Affordable Care Act closes the Part D doughnut hole—the gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage—by gradually reducing the consumer’s share of drug costs over a period of ten years. In 2015, you get a discount on drugs when you’re in the doughnut hole…

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Medicare Snapshot: Stories from the Helpline

Managing Medicare Advantage Denials of Coverage and Appeals Today, nearly 16 million seniors and people with disabilities are enrolled in an MA plan, representing 30 percent of the Medicare population. Many people with MA plans have a positive experience and report a favorable experience with their plan. Yet, we find […]

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A Winning Strategy for Medicare Savings: Better Prices on Prescription Drugs

With Medicare a target for federal savings, lawmakers propose many ways to cut costs. Unfortunately, many of these strategies involve slashing benefits or shifting costs to seniors and people with disabilities. Often overlooked in this debate is that the federal government can secure significant Medicare savings without worsening the already […]

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New York’s Medicare Marketplace Update

Examining New York’s Medicare Advantage Plan Landscape after the Affordable Care Act Changes to Medicare Advantage (MA) payment methodologies and rates initiated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), have been met with doomsday predictions that such adjustments—intended to bring MA payments closer in line to the cost of providing the […]

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2012 Medicare Trends and Recommendations

An Analysis of 2012 Call Data from the Medicare Rights Center’s National Helpline In 2012, Medicare Rights’ helpline answered more than 14,000 Medicare-related questions posed by older adults and people with disabilities, their family members and the professionals serving them. Their stories fill an extensive, carefully curated database that presents […]

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Health Reform and Medicare: Closing the Doughnut Hole

The Affordable Care Act, also known as health reform, closes the Part D doughnut hole—the gap in drug coverage during which people with Medicare must pay the full cost of their prescriptions out of pocket. Health reform phases out the doughnut hole by decreasing the beneficiary’s share of drug costs during the doughnut hole […]

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The Affordable Care Act: Before and After

In the fact sheet “The Affordable Care Act: Before and After,” learn how health reform will impact Medicare drug and health benefits, Medicare’s financial outlook, and quality of care under Medicare.

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Build on What Works: Medicare Cost Savers

Since 1965, Medicare has ensured guaranteed health care benefits for older adults and people with disabilities. Today, 50 million older adults and people with disabilities rely on Medicare for health coverage and most beneficiaries – 80% –report that Medicare is working well. This success aside, much can be done to […]

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Paying More for Less: More Medicare Cost Sharing

Since 1965, Medicare has ensured guaranteed health care benefits for older adults and people with disabilities. As policymakers grapple with how to reduce the nation’s deficit, many are looking to Medicare for savings. Unfortunately, some of the most discussed Medicare proposals share a common theme: forcing people with Medicare to […]

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