📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Medicare Assistance That’s Just a Phone Call Away

Every day, older adults and people with disabilities call the Medicare Rights Center’s national Consumer Helpline because they desperately need help navigating Medicare to access the affordable health care they need.

Thanks to our generous donors, our highly trained helpline counselors stand ready to take their calls and provide immediate assistance to people with Medicare, their families and caregivers, and the professionals who assist them. Last year alone, Medicare Rights answered 17,000 of their questions. And the phones keep ringing!

A donation to the Medicare Rights Center goes a long way to ensure that our helpline counselors can provide personal, accurate, and timely Medicare information to everyone who calls us for help.

Sometimes it takes just one phone conversation to help people avert mistakes that could be costly to both their finances and health. But many have complex Medicare problems, requiring that our counselors do extensive work to resolve them.

Mr. C, a 65-year old man with cancer, called the Medicare Rights Center because he couldn’t afford his medications. Fortunately, his Medicare Rights counselor Andrea was there to help.[x_feature_box title=”” title_color=”” text_color=”” graphic=”image” graphic_size=”225px” graphic_shape=”square” graphic_color=”#ffffff” graphic_bg_color=”#2ecc71″ align_h=”left” align_v=”top” side_graphic_spacing=”20px” max_width=”” graphic_image=””]”Andrea was my guardian angel. When I called her crying, she was able to ease my anxiety and take my sadness and turn it into happiness. Now I don’t worry about how I am going to access or afford my medications; I sleep well knowing I have the benefit Andrea helped me receive.” — Mr. C, New York[/x_feature_box][x_feature_box title=”” title_color=”” text_color=”” graphic=”image” graphic_size=”225px” graphic_shape=”square” graphic_color=”#ffffff” graphic_bg_color=”#2ecc71″ align_h=”center” align_v=”top” side_graphic_spacing=”20px” max_width=”” graphic_image=””]”Andrea was my guardian angel. When I called her crying, she was able to ease my anxiety and take my sadness and turn it into happiness. Now I don’t worry about how I am going to access or afford my medications; I sleep well knowing I have the benefit Andrea helped me receive.
— Mr. C, New York[/x_feature_box]Our donors are essential to people like Mr. C who turn to us for assistance. A gift of any amount makes a difference to those seeking Medicare answers, supporting our free telephone counseling and specialized expertise. And our work doesn’t end there – your generous contribution allows us to take what we learn on our helpline to Washington D.C., where we advocate to strengthen and protect Medicare.

[x_callout title=”Support the Helpline” message=”Will you consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Medicare Rights Center? Together, we can help older adults and people with disabilities access affordable health care.
” type=”center” button_text=”Donate Today” circle=”false” button_icon=”gift” href=”” href_title=”” target=””]

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