📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Moving Forward with Renewed Vigor

After last week’s election, the country faces uncertainty on many fronts. Obviously, health care will be a major focus of Congress and the new Administration, although the implications for people with Medicare and their families remain unclear.

You may have already seen news reports about how some members of Congress want to privatize Medicare and transform the Medicare program as we know it today. By no means is this new news, but the election results brought about renewed interest in these ideas.

The Medicare Rights Center will continue to work tirelessly to protect and strengthen Medicare, and we will keep you informed every step of the way.

We are ready for the challenges ahead, and our work and the need for it will continue unabated. For over 25 years, our job has been the same–to empower people with Medicare and their families and to give them a voice in the policy decisions that affect their access to health care.

When proposals emerge, we will evaluate them and weigh in with Congress and the new Administration, advocating to ensure they keep in mind what’s best for the health and well-being of people with Medicare above all else.

We will also be a source of information for you. The need to be informed is more important now than ever before, and we will continue to provide you with up-to-date news on Medicare developments.

This work will require all hands on deck, and Medicare Rights needs your support.

As we move forward with renewed vigor, I know we will continue to find strength in each other and our shared mission to protect and strengthen Medicare for current and future generations. In a changing world, that is unchanged.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Sign up to receive weekly Medicare news and policy developments from the Medicare Rights Center.
  • Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest Medicare updates from Medicare Rights.
  • Donate to Medicare Rights. Your generosity allows us to protect Medicare and help millions of people access affordable health care each year.

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