📢 URGENT: Protect Medicaid for Millions of People with Medicare

Q&A with Medicare Rights Board Member Tina Georgeou

Pictured: Medicare Rights Board Member Tina Georgeou

Tina Georgeou is a marketing communications leader who has developed branding and marketing strategies across a broad array of industries, most recently in health care. She is currently a project consultant as a partner in Geocom, her own marketing management firm. Georgeou recently joined the Medicare Rights Center’s Board of Directors. 

Q: How did you first learn about the Medicare Rights Center? 

A: I first learned about Medicare Rights when Dr. Curtis Cole, a colleague at Weill Cornell Medicine and a Medicare Rights board member, asked if I would be interested in becoming a member of the board. Based on how complicated I personally found the Medicare enrollment process to be, I was thrilled to know there was a place where people could easily get help sorting through the complexities of the system. 

Q: What influenced your decision to join the board, and what has surprised you most about Medicare Rights since joining? 

A: I learned that Medicare Rights was a solid organization with significant potential. I have helped market a number of nonprofits, large and small, and Medicare Rights has all the factors in place to continue to expand with the right strategies. My biggest surprise was seeing how efficient—and lean—the staff is. Everyone is so dedicated and knows their job so well that they’re able to accomplish true feats. 

Q: Which board committees have you joined, and how do you think your background in marketing and communications will be helpful to the work on those committees? 

A: I am on both the Strategic Planning and Development Committees. I find my background in marketing and communications to be integral to both. For marketing to be effective, it must help accomplish the goals of the organization, so being involved in the process of setting those goals provides useful insights and urgency. Development, or fundraising, is largely a relationship-building process that relies on good communication. Adding proven techniques, such as market research and data analysis, can help to make the job easier and more effective. 

Q: Have you ever referred anyone to our educational materials or counseling services, or used these resources yourself? 

A: Absolutely. I have read several of the Medicare Interactive scripts and factsheets myself and even called the helpline when I appealed a Medicare denial of a prescription drug. I have also referred members of my personal network to Medicare Rights when they expressed frustration with understanding the basics of Medicare. 

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